The Svalbard season is short - from May to September. However these months contain large differences in how you as a traveler experience this wonderful Arctic archipelago. Each period has its own charm and we would like to tell you a little more about the spring and present you with five great reasons to visit Svalbard during springtime.
1) The winter wonderland
Svalbard in the spring offers a true polar feeling with snow-covered mountains, fjord ice and magnificent glaciers. In fact, the Arctic in winter costume is so beautiful that you have to pinch your arm. The sun makes the snow crystals around you sparkle like little diamonds and everywhere you look you see boundless views, a dark blue polar sea and a sky that has no end.
2) The midnight sun
The month of May often offers high pressure, which means clear blue skies and the greatest chance of seeing the midnight sun in all its glory, not hidden behind clouds. It is a dreamlike feeling to lean against the ship's railing in the middle of the night and enjoy nature's magnificent infinity in radiant daylight.
3) The bird life
The birds arrive early in Svalbard and in May Svalbard's bird mountains are crowded with hundreds of thousands of Brünnich's guillemot and Little auk. In the fjords you have a great chance to see the beautiful King eider. You do not have to be an ornithologist to be fascinated by Svalbard's bird life.
4) The wildlife
Remaining fjord ice means a great chance to see seals such as walruses resting in front of a glacier. Resting is something the walrus to a lot, not surprising, since it is quite exhausting to move a 1.5 tons body. With a bit of luck, you might also spot polar bears hunting seals on the ice.
5) Hiking with snowshoes
Every day we explore Svalbard's magical wilderness and in May this snow-covered landscape might give us an opportunity to go hiking with modern snowshoes. This fantastic experience is much easier to complete in the deep Spring snow. It rustles wonderfully when you walk on the crust up the slopes and thumps dully when you pulse downwards in powder snow.
Webinar about Springtime in Svalbard
On 21st Sep 2021 Niklas Nilsson, travel consultant and photographer at PolarQuest, held a webinar about the springtime in Svalbard. The webinar was recorded and you can watch it right here...
Please note: Depending on the lens used for a photo or video shot an animal may appear to be closer than it is. We always follow strict wildlife guidelines to ensure that we do not cause any disturbance.