Our guide Olle Carlsson is blogging from our trip on board the ship Academy Sergey Vavilov. Read and allow yourself to daydream about the subantarctic island South Georgia, hosting one of the world's most staggering wildlife shows!
26th October - round to the north coast, Gold Harbour and Royal Bay
A grey sky over Gold Harbour didn't diminish the great impression of a beach crowded with elephant seals side by side with king penguins and their furry chicks. And they were not alone – skuas, kelp gulls, sheathbills and giant petrels were patrolling the beach, looking for something to eat, like a placenta or a dead seal. On the flat behind the beach gentoo penguins were nesting and just above them flew pintails. By the slopes light-mantled albatrosses engaged in courtship displays, and their call for each other were heard close to the landing where we could enjoy the sight of these graceful birds. The clouds parted and the sun shone warm over us when an extraordinary fight between two male elephant seals overwhelmed us, and many were lucky enough to see leopard seal on their way back to the ship too. Amazed by the wildlife and the beauty of the surroundings we arrived just in time for lunch, and the ship sailed on towards Royal Bay. Its ice covered mountain peaks and glistening glaciers were well worth the time we spent there. Sun went down and the light reflecteded in calved ice, mist and clouds amongst the mountains blushed, and so this fantastic day had come to an end.