Debbie Bouma
Debbie is a zoologist and works as an expedition guide in the polar regions and in her home country the Netherlands. She is passionate about tracking and recording fauna for various agencies, sites and projects.
Debbie lives for wildlife and specializes in animal welfare and natural behaviour. Her expertise lies in marine mammals, having worked professionally as a dolphin trainer for over a decade. Debbie likes to share her in-depth knowledge about animals and their behavior during the expeditions, as well as in lectures. She is also highly motivated to capture fauna through photography, alone or together with guests.
Apart from guiding in the polar regions Debbie has been on several expeditions, from New Zealand to Iceland and Northern Norway. She has been snorkeling among whales and orcas and been taking pictures of animals like the musk oxe and the Artic fox on photo trips.
When Debbie is not on board an expedition ship, she enjoys an active 4×4 holiday with her partner Johnny in their self-built Landrover Camper. The two of them also started Wild-Encounters in the spring of 2022 to share their common knowledge.
Debbie in short
Dutch, englsih
Been with PolarQuest
Sedan 2023
The Netherlands
Key competences
Animal behaviour, fauna
Trips with PolarQuest
I went with the group that chose the long hike on our landing with M/S Quest on Svalbard. We set off across the well-formed elevated beaches and along ridges filled with Svalbard's oldest fossils, including Stromatolites. We continued to the top of Kinnberget, which stands at 128 meters high, offering a stunning view over Murchinsonfjorden and Oddneset. We took our time to rest and soak in the beautiful scenery.
- Debbie Douma