Eli Gunnemark

After several years as a wilderness guide, Eli got the chance to work for two months in Svalbard. Two months turned into six years and today he works in the Arctic all year round, as a snowmobile, boat and glacier guide.
Eli was born and raised in Stockholm. After getting the chance to work as a jungle guide in Borneo he realized what he wanted to do in the future. Eli swoped the jungle in Asia to northern Lapland where he attended a two-year nature guide training, this led to five years as a wilderness guide in Norrbotten.
Today, Eli both lives and works in Svalbard. In addition to this, he also works as a guide in Antarctica, Siberia, Northern Canada, Alaska, Greenland and the North Pole.
Eli in short
Nature guide
Swedish, english
Been with PolarQuest
Since 2023
Trips with PolarQuest