Ida Olsson
Expedition leadar

Ida was born in Sweden and was prevoiusly a high school teacher in physical education and history. During her time in school she worked partly as a white water rafting and snowmobile guide. After some time working as a teacher, she began to work fulltime as a guide in the wilderness in the northern part of Sweden.
At the moment she lives in Longyearbyen on Svalbard and guides travellers on kayak, snowmobile, glacier hikes and boat trips. She also has experience of guiding in Greenland and spends most of her time in the Arctic and Antarctic.
Ida is always looking for adventures. In 2018 she skied to the North Pole and in 2019 she lead a group of women across Spitsbergen.
After many years of guiding she still loves to be in the nature and to take adventurous travellers on the trip of a lifetime.