Sven Lidström

Sven has extensive knowledge about our polar regions where he has lived and worked for many years. He has worked on all the seven continents and has participated in countless research expeditions. Today Sven lives in Tromsø, northern Norway.
Sven is an engineer and he has an incredible amount of experience from our polar regions. He started his extensive polar journey in the South Pole where he was building telescopes at Amundsen – Scott South Pole Station. building telescopes in Antarctica, at Amundsen – Scott South Pole. This led to his participation in a research expedition. Today Sven has completed countless of research expeditions both in the Arctic and in Antarctica, but also two winders in the South Pole and one on Greenland.
After working on all the seven continents he has now settled in Tromsø, Northern Norway.
When Sven is not at work, we still find him outdoors in the nature. He loves to ski, kayak, hike and sail. He is also an avid photographer. He tries to travel as much as possible and has been road tripping across North America, Asia and Africa.