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© Debbie Bouma

Three Generations of Guides at PolarQuest

At PolarQuest, we are incredibly proud of our dedicated and knowledgeable guides, who year after year create unforgettable experiences for our travellers. Many have been part of our team for a long time, and for some, the commitment spans multiple generations. One example is the Carlsson family: Olle, Nils, and Johan, who have all guided on our expeditions in Svalbard. In this blog post, based on an article from Svalbardsposten 2022, you can read about how the interest in the polar regions was sparked and passed down within the family.

Olle Carlsson started as a guide in Antarctica, and later in Svalbard.

The Carlsson family's adventure began in 1991, when Olle Carlsson met Stefan Lundgren, a sailor working in Antarctica. Lundgren was looking for a skilled writer to complete a book about his experiences, and Olle, who was a teacher at the time, took on the task. This led to him having the opportunity to join as a guide on an expedition to the remote area.

When Olle returned home, filled with stories and experiences, it sparked an interest in his son Nils. The following year, he too took the step to become a guide in Antarctica. Nils soon became the first in the family to guide in Svalbard, but his father, Olle, wasn't far behind. In an article in Svalbardsposten from October 22, 2022, Johan, Olle's grandson and Nils's son, talks about how he has been inspired by his father and grandfather since childhood.

"Grandpa has worked almost all my life and continued until 2017. Every time he came home from his trips, we sat down with the Mac and looked through the pictures he had taken on the trip," he says.

This inspiration led him to decide in adulthood to follow in their footsteps and become a polar guide.

"I've dreamed about this for as long as I can remember. So my grandfather and dad were probably really happy when I took over the baton as a guide," Johan says in the article from Svalbardsposten.

Nils Carlsson guides in Svalbard.
Johan Carlsson is following in his father's and grandfather's footsteps.

That Johan started as a guide at PolarQuest is no coincidence. The previous two generations of Carlsson guides have both been part of the company's guide team for many years.

"We have all worked at PolarQuest, including my grandfather. During my first season, I had three trips with my dad as the expedition leader, which was really fun," Johan adds in the same article.

He also mentions that it would be a dream for all three of them to be able to serve as guides on the same expedition one day.

"That would be fantastic," he says.

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