M/S Sjøveien glided effortlessly through the calm, crystal-clear waters, slightly tainted by the glitter of glacial silt, turning them into a turquoise soup.
The lingering mist settled on the horizon, watching over us ominously, held back only by the light breeze and the sparkling sun emanating from the glacier's edge. Every now and then, a thud or a ringing sound would resonate through the vessel as ice struck the front while navigating through the ice.
Occasionally, the beady eye of a Ringed Seal would appear as it poked its head up from the water, as if giving us permission to pass into his realm.
The glacier front, though seemingly small, towered over us. You could make out the layers of accumulated snow over thousands of years. From a distance, you could hear the roar of waterfalls plunging into the cold Arctic Ocean, streaming from gigantic meltwater channels deep within the ice cap.
We cruised along the glacier front; it seemed to stretch on forever without an end in sight. Just as we thought we had reached the end, we would round a corner and be met with another extensive ice wall that continued into the distance.
Please note: Depending on the lens used for a photo or video shot an animal may appear to be closer than it is. We always follow strict wildlife guidelines to ensure that we do not cause any disturbance.