Laura Mony

The ocean has always been part of Laura’s life. Having spent time on sailboats since she was a baby, Laura sailed around the world crossing several oceans when she was between 12 and 14 years old. That trip increased her passion for the ocean because she discovered its vastness and its importance for the earth’s dynamic.
Laura has been travelling all over the world and because of that she has developed an open mind and a curiosity about the climate phenomena that governs our planet.
Born in France, she grew up in the French part of Canada where she did her bachelor’s degree in Geological Engineering. She then became fascinated by the polar regions and wanted to continue her studies in that field. She left Canada for Tasmania, Australia, to do her Master in Marine and Antarctic Science with a specialization in geophysics and glaciology.
Since 2018, she has been guiding in both Antarctica and the Arctic. She has worked as a geologist and glaciologist, but also as an assistant expedition leader on board different vessels. Antarctica’s is Lauras first polar love, but visiting the Arctic region made her discovered another majestic part of the world.