After having sailed through the currents of Freemansundet, we anchored by Kapp Lee on the northern part of Edgeøya. Kapp Lee is an old trapper station, where whales and walrus were hunted and killed by the thousands from the 17th century and onwards.
Remains like bones and skulls from all sorts of animals from those days are scattered around the peninsula we land on. The cape and the walk up on the slope are surrounded by green, lush tundra. A small Arctic fox meets us almost immediately when we step ashore. The fox are runs around and is a bit curious but keeps its distance to us all the time. The contrast to Nordaustlandet is great. The tundra on Edgeøya is very green and full of Arctic flowers. We aim to walk up to a cliff with beautiful view over Storfjorden. On the way up there, we meet a little group of Reindeer. A couple of curious calves carefully close in on us and we get a chance to get good pictures of them. Today the water in Storfjorden is calm and the sun reflects in the southern swell. Tomorrow will sail deeper into the fjord and explore the east coast of Spitsbergen.
/PolarQuest's guides on M/S Sjøveien, 28 June 2022
Please note: Depending on the lens used for a photo or video shot an animal may appear to be closer than it is. We always follow strict wildlife guidelines to ensure that we do not cause any disturbance.