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10 Facts About the Orca

Späckhuggaren är ett av världens mest ikoniska och imponerande marina däggdjur. Denna intelligenta och sociala varelse kännetecknas av sin distinkta svartvita färgteckning och har flera fascinerande egenskaper. I detta blogginlägg listar vi 10 fakta som du kanske inte kände till om späckhuggaren.

1. The largest species in the dolphin family

The orca is a toothed whale and the largest member of the Delphinidae family, which also includes the species we commonly refer to as dolphins.

2. Social creatures

Orcas are highly social animals that live in pods – complex and well-organized groups. These groups can consist of up to 40 individuals.

© Christian Engelke
© Niklas Nilsson

3. Educating each other

Orcas educate each other, passing down knowledge and behaviors necessary for survival in the ocean from generation to generation. They have a very stable social structure, and an individual often remains in the same pod for their entire life.

4. Different dialects

Each orca family has its own unique dialect, allowing them to distinguish themselves from others and communicate effectively during hunting and social interactions.

5. High intelligence

Orcas are known for their high intelligence and problem-solving abilities, which they utilize when hunting in groups. In fact, they have the second-largest brain of all marine animals when comparing brain mass to body size.

6. Long lifespan

The average lifespan of female orcas is around 50 years, but there are examples of them reaching up to 90 years of age. Males live up to 40 years.

7. Reproduction

A female orca becomes sexually mature between 8-10 years of age, but she does not have her first calf until she is around 14 years old. Males reach sexual maturity later, sometimes not until they are 16 years old. An adult female can have a calf every three years, but the average is one calf every eight years.

© Christian Engelke
© Christian Engelke

8. Uses echolocation

Orcas use echolocation to locate and identify objects around them in the water by emitting sound waves that bounce back. This helps them navigate and hunt in dark or murky waters.

9. Apex predators

Orcas are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of the food chain and have no natural enemies.

10. Cosmopolitan animals

Orcas are found in all the world's oceans, from the Arctic and Antarctic waters to tropical seas. Approximately 1,500 orcas are found off the coast of Norway, but the total number in the world's oceans is unknown.

Would you also like the chance to see orcas?

Join us on an exciting journey on board the small expedition ship M/S Stockholm. We will explore the deep fjords of northern Norway outside Alta, where groups of humpback whales and orcas typically gather in search of the large herring shoals. At the same time, we hope to experience the majestic Northern Lights.

© Christian Engelke

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