The legendary Bear Island, located halfway between mainland Norway and Svalbard, has captivated explorers and researchers for centuries. This remote island, with its rich history, dramatic landscapes, and over a million nesting seabirds, offers a unique glimpse into the untamed beauty that characterises this part of the Arctic.
Discovery and Naming
Discovered by Dutch explorer Willem Barentsz in 1596 while searching for a route to China. According to the story, it was named "Beer Eyland" after Barentsz encountered and killed a polar bear nearby.
Geography and Landscape
Located in the Barents Sea, roughly midway between the Norwegian mainland and Spitsbergen, the island is 20 km long and 15 km wide, with an area of 178 km².
The northern part of the island is mostly flat and contains hundreds of small lakes, while the southern part is characterized by a steep and almost inaccessible coastline.
Great Bird Colonies
Home to one of the largest seabird colonies in the Northern Hemisphere, with over a million birds during breeding season.
Common species include guillemots, little auks, kittiwakes, and northern fulmars.
Historical Hunting
Site of the first large-scale walrus hunt in the 16th century.
Used for hunting by Norwegian and Russian hunters, including the Pomors, in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Meteorological Station
Hosts a weather station established in 1918, still operational today.
Cultural Heritage
Contains remains from centuries of human activity, including the Hammerfest House, built in 1822, the oldest hunting cabin in Svalbard.
Coal Mining Attempts
Initial attempts at coal mining, beginning in 1898, were unsuccessful. However, Bjørnøen AS operated a coal mine at Tunheim from 1916 to 1925, achieving moderate success. Tunheim was later evacuated and destroyed during World War II.
Norwegian Territory
Became part of Norway in 1925, along with the rest of the Svalbard archipelago.
Marine Ecosystem
The polar front near Bear Island mixes cold Arctic waters with warm Atlantic waters, creating nutrient-rich areas that support plankton and seabirds.
Marine Mammals
The waters around the island host most Arctic whale and seal species, including ringed seals, bearded seals, minke whales, and white-beaked dolphins.
Polar bears are rarely seen, as they typically follow the ice north as it begins to retreat in early spring.
Do you want the chance to explore this rarely visited island in the middle of the Barents Sea? On our trip, Lofoten, Bear Island & Svalbard with M/S Quest 2025, we will attempt a Zodiac cruise around this fascinating rocky island and, if conditions allow, maybe make a landing.
Source: Norsk Polarinstitut